The top 4 Types of friends that will be in your life

Friends are very important to us in our daily lives. Friends play a vital role in our happiness, personal growth, and overall well-being. They are not just people we spend time with, but sources of support, motivation, and joy in our lives.

Having close friends helps reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness. Studies have shown that people with strong social connections are happier and mentally healthier. Friendship can improve your financial and emotional well-being. Friends help us stay positive and improve our emotional stability but we need to choose wisely. Here are the following types of friends that will be in our lives:

1. Those you know
You might have friends who seem familiar to you, and you only keep in touch with them because you work together, go to school together, pray together, or have some common interest. Beyond that, you probably don't say more than three words to each other.
2. Common friends
This is the type of friend who socializes for the purpose of having fun, and it's really good to have fun. However, these are not real friends; for example, those you just meet to have been different; those you meet to have fun, for example, dancing or playing basketball, those are different.
3. Close friends
Close friends always consult. You can share good news with these people openly, without hesitation. These friends are close to you in your daily life. You can often have a deep connection with these friends.
4. Model friends
These are friends with whom you share good times and even in the darkest times. This person is often not considered a friend but is often overlooked because he or she always shows you the right path. He/she could be your parent, sibling, or someone else.
Throughout life, we encounter different types of friends, each playing a unique role in our journey. Some friends uplift and inspire us, while others teach us valuable lessons. What matters most is recognizing the right friends, nurturing meaningful relationships, and surrounding ourselves with people who bring positivity, support, and growth into our lives. While friendships may change over time, the impact of a true friend remains unforgettable.

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